This question has been asked before, but the answers are all several years old and I could not get any to work for me, so I would appreciate some help.
The question is simple, really: I have a python script, and a virtual environment I want it to run in when I double-click it, or call it from another program. How can I achieve this?
you must add packages directory address to your sys.path
a built-in variable within the sys module. It contains a list of directories that the interpreter will search in for the required module.
add line below to top of your script, now you can double click on script file and every thing must work fine
import sys; sys.path.append("./<environment path>/Lib/site-packages")
this is simple solution however, as sinoroc said it's not good solution because in this situation you are using system interpreter not virtual environment interpreter so i wouldn't be surprised if things don't work as expected.
also you can download all packages that you need and extract them into single folder and add that folder to sys.path
first download packages you need with command below
pip download <package names> --dest <directory name>
for example:
pip download requests --dest packages
at the end add folder contain you packages to your path
import sys; sys.path.append("./<packages directory>")
Recommended Solution
the best solution is that write little batch script for windows or shell script for linux that automatically active virtual environment and then run your script
first create file with .bat extention for windows or .sh extension for linux and then add line below to it
for .bat file
<environment path>\Scripts\activate && python <script name>.py
for .sh file
source <environment path>/bin/activate && python <script name>.py
now you can click on this batch script *.bat file or shell script *.sh file and everything work's fine
Answered By - SinaMobasheri