"Object_Type" "710" "30" "14" "Partner" "Rpt" "Cool" "0ICPRP900" "Des_Space" "HBBREX" "soon_Type" "FY28" "Jan" "50" "USD_US" #Mi #Mi #Mi 0.006641 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
"Object_Type" "710" "30" "14" "Partner" "Rpt" "Cool" "0ICPRP 900" "Des_Space" "HBBREX" "soon_Type" "FY28" "Jan" "50" "USD_US" #Mi #Mi #Mi 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
"Object_Type" "710" "30" "14" "Partner" "Rpt" "Cool" "0ICPRP A&B_900" "Des_Space" "HBBREX" "soon_Type" "FY28" "Jan" "50" "USD_US" #Mi #Mi #Mi 0.641 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Looking for output line:
0ICPRP900 0.006641
0ICPRP 900 0.01
0ICPRP A&B_900 0.641
I have tried below command and it's printed column 8 (column not printed after have space special char )
awk '{a[$8]+=$17+$18+$19+$20+$21+$22+$23+$24+$25+$26+$27+$28}END{for (i in a)
print i,bc a[i]}' File.txt
"0ICPRP900" 0.006641
"0ICPRP 0.01
"0ICPRP 0.641
Any suggestions how to get unique column8 (column8 with in "") with sum of column 16 to Column 28
Using any awk:
$ awk -F'"' '{n=split($31,f," "); sum=0; for (i=4; i<=n; i++) sum+=f[i]; print $16, sum}' file
0ICPRP900 0.006641
0ICPRP 900 0.01
0ICPRP A&B_900 0.641
Or using GNU awk for FPAT and gensub():
$ awk -v FPAT='"[^"]*"|[^ ]+' '{sum=0; for (i=19; i<=NF; i++) sum+=$i; print gensub(/"/,"","g",$8), sum}' file
0ICPRP900 0.006641
0ICPRP 900 0.01
0ICPRP A&B_900 0.641
or if by unique column8
you mean you want to sum the values for multiple occurrences of the same $8 value across the input file you can do either of:
any awk:
awk -F'"' '
n = split($31,f," ")
for (i=4; i<=n; i++) {
sum[$16] += f[i]
for (key in sum) {
print key, sum[key]
' file
GNU awk:
awk -v FPAT='"[^"]*"|[^ ]+' '
for (i=19; i<=NF; i++) {
sum[gensub(/"/,"","g",$8)] += $i
for (key in sum) {
print key, sum[key]
' file
Answered By - Ed Morton