I have a one-liner that prints out a series a numbers:
I am then piping this output into grep to match these numbers to the beginning of lines in another file but sometimes the second number in the line matches one of the patterns and I get an incorrect match like so:
$ get_id_command | grep -f - users.list
124 => 3456, Charles Charmichael, ccharmichael
132 => 2498, Sarah Walker, swalker
186 => 8934, John Casey, jcasey
240 => 1245, Morgan Grimes, mgrimes
What options do I need for grep to only match patterns at the beginning of the line? I would really like to keep this as a one-linter.
Prepend a circumflex to each line of your file and it will work. Circumflex does indicate the line start within the pattern. So modify your users.list
as described, e.g.
sed -Ei 's|(.*)|^\1|' users.list
After that you should get the desired result by your command
$ get_id_command | grep -f - users.list
Answered By - L. Monty