In my bash script I have the following lines installing various Linux packages on Centos 6.5 - two questions:
- is it good practice to do it this way?
OR is there a better way maybe using rpms and how would I go about doing that? yum -y install update nano mlocate bind bind-utils php-mbstring aide psacct screen tmux iperf ipset rsync htop innotop dstat traceroute strace ltrace rkhunter nmap curl curl-devel php-pear php-xml php-devel gcc zlib-devel pcre-devel php zip unzip telnet php-imap vsftpd wget yum -y install perl-DateTime-Format-HTTP perl-DateTime-Format-Builder yum -y install php-pdo php-gd php-xml yum -y install expect rpm -Uvh --force pecl install -f zip
First, things will go faster if you simply combine all your yum
commands into a single invocation:
yum -y install nano mlocate bind bind-utils \
php-mbstring aide psacct screen tmux iperf ipset rsync \
htop innotop dstat traceroute strace ltrace rkhunter \
nmap curl curl-devel php-pear php-xml php-devel gcc \
zlib-devel pcre-devel php zip unzip telnet php-imap \
vsftpd wget perl-DateTime-Format-HTTP \
perl-DateTime-Format-Builder php-pdo php-gd php-xml \
This way yum only needs to calculate dependencies once.
When installing an RPM from a remote server, you can also use yum:
yum -y install
This will ensure that any dependencies of the package are installed as well.
Answered By - larsks Answer Checked By - David Goodson (WPSolving Volunteer)