I want to make the operations on structured text available here using bash script language. However, my knowledge makes the task very challenging.
Input sample:
"4-QUEIJOS": Mucarela Provolone Catupiry Ricota Oregano
"A-MODA": Mucarela Presunto Calabresa Bacon Tomate Milho Oregano
"ALHO-E-OLEO": Mucarela Alho oleo Oregano
"PEITO-DE-PERU-ESPECIAL": Mucarela Peito-de-Peru Catupiry Oregano
Output sample
"4-QUEIJOS": ["mucarela", "provolone", "catupiry", "ricota", "oregano"],
"A-MODA": ["mucarela", "presunto", "calabresa", "bacon", "tomate", "milho", "oregano"],
"ALHO-E-OLEO": ["mucarela", "alho", "oleo", "oregano"],
"PEITO-DE-PERU-ESPECIAL": ["Mucarela", "peito-de-peru", "catupiry", "oregano"]
As you can see above, we need to:
- Put lower case to words after the character ":";
- Add commas between these words above;
- put them between brackets [...]
The cherry-at-the-top is the commas at the end of each line except the last.
Using sed
$ sed -E ':a;s/([^ ]*) ([^ ]*)/\1"\2",/;ta;s/(:)(.*")/\1 [\L\2]/;$s/,$//;s/,/& /g' input_file
"4-QUEIJOS": ["mucarela", "provolone", "catupiry", "ricota", "oregano"],
"A-MODA": ["mucarela", "presunto", "calabresa", "bacon", "tomate", "milho", "oregano"],
"ALHO-E-OLEO": ["mucarela", "alho", "oleo", "oregano"],
"PEITO-DE-PERU-ESPECIAL": ["mucarela", "peito-de-peru", "catupiry", "oregano"]
Answered By - HatLess Answer Checked By - Timothy Miller (WPSolving Admin)