I've a simply question. I need to build a MASTER for a raspberry, so i need to make an image of my OS with my own configuration and some specific software installed on it. Afterwards we must deploy this MASTER in production.
So i need to name this MASTER release like MASTER v1.0.0, to have the possibility to check it simply in production like a command or in a file (the best way is like a command i think)
My question is , what is the best practice to do it. can i modify the file /etc/os-release or something like that ?
If you have a full control on the OS image you are creating - what stops you to add a file into a predefined location and have your version and other meta-data there, or even make that available as environment variable, and then you can check it with the script/command?
Answered By - dmytro Answer Checked By - Senaida (WPSolving Volunteer)