I rsync the directory "Promotion" containing absolute symbolic links between two machines with different directory structures. Therefore absolute symbolic links don't work on both machines. To make them work, I would like to convert them to relative links. The directory structure is
Machine 1: /home/user/Privat/Uni Kram/Promotion/
Machine 2: /homes/user/Promotion/
Here are two example symlinks:
4821 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 manu users 105 Nov 17 2014 ./Planung\ nach\ Priorit\303\244ten.ods -> /home/manu/Dokumente/Privat/Uni\ Kram/Promotion/Pl\303\244ne\ und\ Ideen/Pl\303\244ne/Planung\ nach\ Priorit\303\244ten.ods
37675 1 lrwxrwxrwx 1 manu users 102 Aug 3 2015 ./Kurs/Lab\ Course\ Somewhere -> /home/manu/Dokumente/Privat/Uni\ Kram/Promotion/Workshops\ &\ Fortbildungen/Kurs\ Lab\ Course\ Somewhere
My non-working try is (based on example this):
find * -type l -print | while read l; do
ln -srf $(cut -c 24- < $(readlink $l)) $l;
Thank you all for your help. After some trying I came up with a solution based on your comments and code. Here is what solved my problem:
# changes all symbolic links to relative ones recursive from the current directory
find * -type l -print | while read l; do
cp -a "$l" "$l".bak
linktarget=$(readlink "$l")
echo "orig linktarget"
echo $linktarget
temp_var="${linktarget#/home/user/Privat/Uni Kram/Promotion/}"
echo "changed linktarget"
echo $temp_var;
ln -sfr "$temp_var" "$l"
echo "new linktarget in symlink"
readlink "$l";
Answered By - oystermanu Answer Checked By - Mary Flores (WPSolving Volunteer)