There are lots of SO posts on this topic but most of them are for Windows and use the GUI. All others posts seem to use the CLI.
Is there a GUI version of puttygen on MacOS/Linux and if so instructions on how to install/use? The CLI seems to give me an error.
Usage: puttygen ( keyfile | -t type [ -b bits ] )
[ -C comment ] [ -P ] [ -q ]
[ -o output-keyfile ] [ -O type | -l | -L | -p ]
>puttygen mykey.pem -t rsa -b 2048 -o mykey.ppk
puttygen: cannot both load and generate a key
Is there something wrong with my commands?
There is no GUI for putty versions of OSX.
You can simply convert your key like this: puttygen mykey.pem -o mykey.ppk
Update: on macos to have puttygen, you can brew install putty
Answered By - smaftoul Answer Checked By - Clifford M. (WPSolving Volunteer)